Aftercare Application

The Aftercare program of Peace Valley Charter School (PVCS) exist to support the needs of families as well as maintain the rhythms, reverence and rituals established by the school.

Aftercare begins at dismissal each day and ends promptly at 6:00 PM Monday-Friday.

This online application is the first step to enroll your child in the Aftercare programs offered by PVCS. The $25 application fee ($50 max per family) must be submitted to the front office or via Paypal here in order for your application to be processed. Please write your child's name on the payment.

Space is limited. Families are encouraged to apply early.

Aftercare program is available to PVCS K-8 students as well as other families within the community who are interested in having their children experience some of the Waldorf methods through this program.

You will receive timely notification of your child's status with the programs once the application and $25 non-refundable fee has been received.



Daily Rate: $15 for Mon, Tues, Wed, and Thur and $20 for Fri (early release)

Daily Drop-In Rate: $18 for Mon, Tues, Wed and Thur and $23 for Fri (early release)


Please fill out the following application for each child attending Aftercare.