Peace Valley is striving to build a collaborative, inclusive, and close knit school community. We believe in the importance of parent involvement and volunteerism on many different levels, from modeling generous behavior for our students, to the close connection parents feel when they’re involved in their child’s school, to the value we as a school receive from the input of many people from different backgrounds and experiences. Our young school has made great strides towards these goals, and as we continue to grow we will continue to make inclusion a priority.
Our school has a network of governing bodies in place, each overseeing a specific area of operations and working together towards the shared dream of making Peace Valley an institution of Waldorf education in our valley.
Our board of directors is made up of elected volunteers from our school community and the broader Treasure Valley community. Board members are mainly responsible for financial, legal and policy matters.
Our Family Council Representatives are Peace Valley’s version of a PTO. Elected parent volunteers meet regularly to support our staff and our families by guiding the thoughts and concerns presented by the parents of our school. The Family Council serves as a venue for parents to actively contribute to the functioning and organization of the school through strengthening social bonds and building community, supporting student/teacher relationships, and serving as a forum for parents’ ideas, inspirations, initiatives and concerns. All school parents are members of Family Council and are encouraged to participate.
Our Faculty Committees are designed to be the faculty counterpoint to the subcommittees within the Family Council. Each faculty member of our school is part of a Faculty Committee, and each committee works with their Family Council counterpart to complete projects as well as with the other faculty committees to implement broad, school-wide changes and ideas.
Seasonal festivals are a cornerstone of our school. In the fall, we celebrate our unique version of Michaelmas called the Festival of Courage. When the weather turns cold, we hold our Winter Faire - a festive celebration with vendors and family-friendly activities. And in the spring, we celebrate May Day with Maypole dances and a school-wide picnic in the park.